Family engagement has always been integral to the success of the NFHS Band Program. Everyone has a part to play! Some people only choose one or two activities, some choose more, but any involvement is important, valued, and appreciated. Here are just a few examples of how you can participate and who you may contact for more information:
NFHS Band Booster Club Meetings - meets the last Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in the band room. Contact: Lisa McLean – nafobandpresident@gmail.com.
Chaperoning – needed at activities such as band camp, football games, contests, etc. - Contact: Eva Simmers - nationfordchaperones@gmail.com
Pit Crew – load trucks, build props and move props on/off the field at performances. Contact: Bob Ludolph – ludolphbob@gmail.com
Uniforms – measures, hems and maintains marching band uniforms. Contact: Julia Strickland – uniforms.nafoband@gmail.com
Hospitality – sends food donations, prepares and/or serves band members at band camp & other events. Contact: Julie Wallen – juliewallen75@gmail.com
**Please note that if you would like to chaperone or volunteer to work directly with or around the band students, you must be on the APPROVED LIST.**
First Time School Volunteer with Fort Mill School District?
A social security number is required to submit a background application.
A driver’s license is required in the school office for the Ident-a-Kid system.
Without these documents, an accurate background screening cannot be performed.
Step 1: Express interest by emailing your FULL LEGAL NAME and EMAIL ADDRESS to Mr. Linkous at linkousr@fortmillschools.org.
Step 2: He will submit a request in our third-party system, SimpliVerified.
Step 3: You will receive a Background Questionnaire email requesting that personal information be entered and disclosures be signed. The background report will start at this time and is administered by SimpliVerified.
The email will come from automation@instascreen.net and have a subject of Fort Mill School District Background Questionnaire.
Step 4: Human Resources will review reports as they are returned and determine the approval status. Mr. Linkous will be notified and will notify the you when your status is determined.